021 202 0626

Our Services



    • Routine Screening
    • Gastroscopy
    • Colonoscopy
    • Capsule Endoscopy
    • Double Balloon Enteroscopy
    • ERCP
    • Polypectomy
    • Haemostasis of Bleeding Lesions
    • Endoscopic Mucosal Resection
    • Placement of Feeding Tubes (PEG)
    • Treatment of Bleeding Lesions, including Angioectasia with amongst others ablation (Argon Plasma Coagulation) Injection and Application of Haemoclips
    • Ablation and Resection (EMR) of Barrett’s Oesophagus
    • Dilatation of Strictures and Placement of Oesophageal Gastric and Duodenal Stents
    • He furthermore places PEGs for nutritional supplementation
    • Therapeutic ERCPs for amongst others biliary obstruction due to gallstones and cancer.

Consultations for gastrointestinal and liver related diseases with a specific interest in inflammatory bowel disease and iron deficiency anaemia caused by obscure gastrointestinal bleeding. Admitting rights to Mediclinic Milnerton and Life Vincent Pallotti Hospitals.

As part of his special interest in obscure GI bleeding, he provides a full service for small bowel investigation including capsule endoscopy and double balloon Enteroscopy.

Dr Eduan Deetlefs sees the whole spectrum of gastrointestinal and liver related diseases with a special interest in inflammatory bowel disease and anaemia caused by obscure intestinal bleeding.

He furthermore has an in room infusion centre at his Mediclinic Milnerton Practice for administration of biological and intravenous iron infusions.

He performs numerous procedures including diagnostic and therapeutic gastroscopies and colonoscopies.

He believes that quality endoscopy is of the utmost importance as subtle findings might be life altering.

Dr Eduan Deetlefs has a wealth of up to date knowledge in the management of inflammatory bowel disease and in addition he has a trial centre, Spoke Research Inc, that specializes in biological trials for inflammatory bowel disease.


Gastroenterology Treatments & Procedures


A gastroscopy also known as endoscopy is a procedure enables doctors to see inside the digestive tract with an endoscope inserted through the mouth to examine the stomach, and duodenum.

Double-Balloon Enteroscopy

Double-balloon enteroscopy is an endoscopic technique for visualization of the small bowel. It is an endoscopic technique that allows for the entire gastrointestinal tract to be visualized in real time.


Colonoscopy is a procedure that enables doctors to examine the colon for inflamed tissues, abnormal growths, ulcers using a long flexible tube with a camera inserted through the rectum.

Capsule Endoscopy

Capsule endoscopy procedure is a powerful diagnostic tool that helps examine the digestive tract using a tiny camera contained in a capsule, which is swallowed by the patient.


ERCP is a technique that uses endoscopy and X-rays to diagnose and treat problems of the bile ducts and main pancreatic duct, like gallstones, infections, tumors, and cancers. 


Polypectomy procedure is used by doctors to remove polyps from the inner linings of the large intestine/the colon. It is usually performed during colonoscopy or sigmoidoscopy.

 Dedicated to Serving You

Pinelands: 021 202 0626

info @ gidoc.co.za

Trading Hours:

Monday – Friday: 8 AM to 4 PM

Vincent Pallotti Office hours:
8am to 3pm, 

Dr Eduan Deetlefs Inc
The Park Building, (opp, Vincent Pallotti Hospital)
Suite 304, 3rd Floor,
Park Road, Pinelands, 7405

GIDoc Cape Town

Patient-focused GI treatments and procedures in Cape Town.

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© Dr. Eduan Deetlefs, Registered Gastroenterologist, GI Doc Cape Town

Our website information is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please consult a doctor about your specific condition. Only a trained physician can determine an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.